25 Years of Volatile Substance Abuse: 2009-2012

Re-Solv recently completed a 3-year Big Lottery funded Research Project to investigate VSA practice across the UK, and the current response to need from the professional community.

This research has established the way forward to develop an integrated VSA service delivery programme for the future, and the roles and support mechanisms required to implement the strategy.

Re-Solv has developed a series of chapters highlighting the key findings and messages of the Project:

VSA & Mortality


VSA & Young People


VSA & Adults


VSA Education & Prevention


VSA Assessment & Intervention


VSA Policy


Other key elements of the research programme included:

  • An initial consultation with professionals in the field. See Tackling VSA more effectively by meeting professionals’ needs (Ives, 2009), published as Meeting Professionals Needs in the United Kingdom for Effective VSA Intervention (Ives, Substance Use & Misuse, Vol 46, No S1, 2011).
  • 25 Years of Volatile Substance Abuse (Butland, 2011) – Secondary analysis of the VSA mortality database at St George’s, University of London. This report addressed gaps in knowledge about VSA deaths in the years 1983-2007, including circumstances of death and gender and age profiles.
  • An article based on the mortality research above has been published in Addiction journal. You can access the Abstract here
  • Big Research: Investigating VSA (Ives), 2013) – A report on the research undertaken by Richard Ives of educari for Re-Solv under the BIG Lottery Research Fund Programme.

Please feel free to download and distribute these reports. If you would like paper copies of any of these reports please contact us at information@re-solv.org.

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